Starting delivery in August and aiming to break 10,000 in September, what is the confidence of the ideal L9?

Time:2022-06-07 11:16:07Source:

Luo Yonghao once shared his own car selection experience on Weibo, saying that in order to reward him, the company decided to equip him with a "go out and meet people" car, and you can choose any car within 5 million.Luo Yonghao said that after trying for an afternoon, he finally chose the ideal ONE with more than 300,000 yuan.

The above is the origin of the slogan "the best car within 5 million is the ideal ONE".In order to promote his new car, the Ideal L9, Li Xiang, the CEO of Ideal Motors, recently updated the content of "5 million stalks" through self-questioning and self-answering, saying that the Ideal L9 is the best family flagship SUV within 5 million.

Image source: Li Xiang Weibo

There will definitely be people who disagree with Li Xiang's point of view, but as long as you read the above remarks, you will have some expectations for the new ideal L9. Whether you want to prove it or falsify it, you can't deny it. The marketing effect of the ideal L9 has been full.

Li Xiang also revealed several key time points on Weibo. Among them, the official release time of the Ideal L9 is determined to be June 21, and a test drive can be carried out at the ideal car store in July. In August, the ideal L9 will be officially delivered. The monthly delivery of new cars will exceed 10,000.

Image source: Li Xiang Weibo

The timing of release, test drive, and delivery is actually not much of a surprise. After all, according to the original plan (delayed due to the epidemic), the new car L9 will "meet" with the public earlier.What really surprised the industry was the sales target set by Li Xiang for the Ideal L9. In the second month (September) after the official delivery, the monthly delivery of the Ideal L9 will exceed 10,000 units.

In contrast, the first model under Li Auto, Li Li ONE, broke the monthly sales threshold of 10,000 units for the first time after one and a half years of delivery (Li Li ONE officially started delivery at the end of 2019, and was first realized in November 2021. monthly sales exceeded 10,000).

Then the question arises, what exactly does the ideal L9 rely on to achieve such a rapid increase?

Ideal L9, image source: Ideal Car

First of all, I have to say that the current attention of this car is quite good.Although the new car did not arrive as scheduled (it was originally planned to be officially unveiled at the Beijing Auto Show in April, but due to the epidemic, the Beijing Auto Show had to be postponed), but since March, the official has announced the appearance, interior and exterior of the ideal L9 one after another. Smart configuration, etc., continue to maintain the popularity of the new car market.

Secondly, the supply chain problem of Ideal L9 has been solved well.The information disclosed by Li Xiang on Weibo shows that Lixiang Auto has invested billions of funds and a large number of R&D personnel to improve the efficiency and controllability of the supply chain.The current rising market performance of Ideal ONE has also attracted many core suppliers to build factories around the ideal Changzhou production base, which has formed a very good supply chain ecology in Jiangsu.Li Xiang said that the mass production preparations of the Ideal L9 in the Changzhou production base are all ready, and thousands of mass production vehicles have been put into production on the production line.In July, the mass-produced vehicles of the Ideal L9 will be successively transported to 233 retail centers in 108 cities across the country, so that users who book the Ideal L9 can actually experience it and then lock the order.

Furthermore, in Li Xiang's view, the ideal L9 target customers have very high car buying intentions.Li Auto has previously conducted a survey on the ideal L9 target users. The results show that the potential user group who have truly experienced the ideal L9 (with the second child family as the main target), the intentional car booking rate so far is 100%."Can I pick up the car as soon as possible?" Li Xiang said when introducing the target customers, the real concern of everyone is whether they can pick up the car as soon as possible, "Although I can't make any promises, but under the premise that the epidemic is under control, The ramp-up rate of theproduction capacityof the Ideal L9will be very fast, and we are confident that over 10,000 deliveries will be achieved in September, setting a new record in the full-size flagship SUV."

It can be seen from the current market enthusiasm of new cars and official statements that the market ambition of the Ideal L9 is not small.And after doing a good job in the previous series of reserve work (supply chain security, capacity reserve, etc.), the ideal L9 also seems to have the prerequisites to quickly complete the market climb.At present, the key to determining whether the ideal L9 can continue the current market outbreak of the ideal ONE is the epidemic.

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