Magna Introduces Breakthrough Lighting to Integrate Lights into Body Panels

Time:2022-06-07 11:26:22Source:

According to foreign media reports, automotive supplier Magna has introduced lighting hardware that can be integrated into body panels.The product, called Breakthrough Lighting, will go into production in 2023.

(Image credit: Magna)

Initially, Magna displayed the product on a thermoplastic lift gate called "Litgate."The hardware can also be used on other vehicle panels made of similar thermoplastic materials.

The lighting elements in this demo unit are much the same as regular taillights, but are hidden until glowing.Users can choose lights from a "rich color palette".

To a certain extent, Breakthrough Lighting is a design feature.Magna notes that this integrated lighting can be used for decorative purposes.Because there is no need to specifically design lighting elements, designers are freer to be creative.

Magna also mentioned that the product could "improve the communication between the user, the vehicle and the surrounding environment."It is believed that sending flash signals to other vehicles through external lights could improve safety, especially self-driving vehicles.Without the driver making eye contact or using gestures, these vehicles may need another way to communicate with other road users.

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