Baidu responds to the accident of the driverless test car: it was rear-ended under normal driving conditions

Time:2022-06-09 11:02:08Source:

According to news on June 8, some media reported that a photo of a Baidu Carrot-running driverless test car. As can be seen from the photo, the left rear of the vehicle was severely damaged, and a rear-end collision was suspected.The word "BJHAI" on the body is the sign of the "Beijing High-level Autonomous Driving Demonstration Zone", indicating that the car is an autonomous vehicle that is routinely tested in the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone.

To this end, contacted the relevant person in charge of Baidu's autonomous driving, and the other party said: "The photo of the Carrot Express test vehicle being rear-ended on the Internet is from the first ten days of May. The Carrot capacity test vehicle was running normally in the Economic Development Zone. The traffic accident caused by the rear-end collision of the truck has been reported to the relevant regulatory authorities for the record as soon as possible.

After the accident, the traffic management department of the public security organ carried out on-site investigation and evidence collection according to law. The cause of the accident was the illegal act of the truck not keeping a safe distance from the vehicle in front that was sufficient to take emergency braking measures. The driver of the truck was identified in the accident. take full responsibility."

As of the first quarter of 2022, Carrot Run has opened 8 cities across the country, providing a total of 196,000 rides.Official estimates are that it will expand to 65 cities by 2025 and 100 cities by 2030.

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