Audi revamps pop-up headlamps and applies for patent to switch shell transparency through electric conversion film

Time:2022-06-15 12:39:26Source:

Gasgoo News Using pop-up headlights is fun and helps keep the car's lines flowing when retracting.However, such lights are not conducive to pedestrian safety in the event of a collision.According to foreign media reports, Audi filed a related patent application with the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA) at the end of last year in order to create a clean car front fascia that is not disturbed by lighting equipment.Recently, the DPMA published the application.

(Image credit: Audi AG)

Audi proposes in the patent documents that the headlamps could use replaceable covers.For example, such a cover is permanently attached to a headlamp, but can be switched between opaque and transparent states by means of an electrical conversion film.Additionally, the patent mentions switchable or "smart" glass.

Judging from the description above, this technology could be used in a new car like the RS e-tron GT.Gives a sleek look when the vehicle is parked or driving during the day.When the headlamps are turned on, the lamp covers become transparent, allowing light to pass through.However, Audi has other ideas.

The documents show that at any one time, only a portion of the headlamps use the technology, rather than the entire headlamp housing.Basically, cover the area around the directional lights/flashlights, allowing only white light to pass through.When the car needs to indicate a turn, the low beams and daytime running lights can be dimmed effectively to make the amber light shine more vividly, helping to improve visibility and safety.

Also, Audi seems to focus more on aesthetic values.The company believes there is a lack of "precision" in mixing colors between light bands.“Right now, the strip of light can show multiple colors. However, between two colors shown side-by-side, there is always a color curve, which is a little less precise. Or, if one area of ​​the strip of light is bright, between the areas There will be a brightness curve at the boundary."

Basically, Audi wanted to create a cleaner look for the lighting strip as a whole, resulting in sharper lighting.

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