These are the things Tesla FSD beta testers must follow

Time:2022-07-04 13:44:10Source:

Dirty Tesla was the first FSD v9 beta video I watched, and he added the benefit of driving on some dirt roads before heading into the city.He drives in a variety of ways - night, day, dirt roads, city roads and highways.He posts videos regularly and I'm excited to see the progress of his discoveries.


HyperChange brings more fun and entertainment to his videos.Known for driving through busy cities, he nearly hit an unrecognizable pillar on the left side of his driveway.Passionate aboutTeslaand Full Self-Driving, he is both critical and praiseful of FSD.He doesn't hold back when the system goes wrong and criticizesTesla.

Chuck Cook

Chuck has a more serious personality, and he does a good job of criticizing what goes wrong with the car.He is best known for attempting extremely difficult unprotected left-hand turns in multiple traffic sections.This is one of the 5 most important things that needs to be done on a regular basis to achieve full autonomy.

Kim Paquet

Kim regularly drives on the very crowded and busy streets of New York, Maryland and the East Coast.Vehicles often have to crawl forward to turn, more mimicking human behavior.She drives on narrow roads with pedestrians everywhere, which is valuable.

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