Rivian vehicles add pet comfort mode

Time:2022-07-08 12:32:56Source:

Gasgoo Automotive News According to foreign media reports, in order to meet the needs of the public, Rivian has specially launched the "Pet Comfort" function.With this feature, drivers of the R1T and R1S can leave their pets in the car without worrying about getting too hot or uncomfortable inside.

(Image credit: Rivian)

According to Rivian, pet comfort is one of the most requested features among its customer base.Benefit from over-the-air software updates on the R1T and R1S, making this pet-friendly feature available on the vehicle with a simple software update.

In order to use "Pet Comfort" on an R1T or R1S model, the driver needs to tap the claw icon in the upper right corner of the main climate control screen.If a pickup or sport-utility vehicle (SUV) is parked in a park, drivers can set the cabin temperature between 68 and 74 degrees Fahrenheit as long as the remaining range exceeds 50 miles.

This temperature is maintained in the cabin until the driver cancels the Pet Comfort or the vehicle's battery dies.However, given the size of the Rivian's battery, drivers can rest assured that their pets will be kept safe and comfortable in the vehicle, even when away for extended periods of time.

Once the Pet Comfort feature is enabled, the vehicle's infotainment system will go into Gear Guard mode and a pop-up message will clearly indicate that the pet in the vehicle is comfortable and safe.This is to stop some well-meaning people who mistakenly think the car is hot and break the windows to save the pets inside.

It's worth noting that Rivian's Pet Comfort feature also has some limitations.If the R1T or R1S has less than 50 miles of remaining range, this feature will not work.Additionally, Rivian emphasizes that Pet Comfort is designed for animals and should never be used by children at any time.

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