files patent for new off-road camera that generates images of vehicle surroundings

Time:2022-07-13 14:58:52Source:

According to foreign media reports, Japanese automaker Toyota has applied for a patent with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for its new system.In this system, cameras capture external images of the vehicle's surroundings.The system generates a complete view of the vehicle's surroundings, and Toyota proposes projecting the image onto a virtual projection surface to form a composite image.Additionally, the system will be able to detect when the vehicle is in an off-road environment and adjust the image to make it more informative.

Image credit: Toyota

The patent proposes to display images captured by external cameras on a virtual screen, effectively superimposing the image on the interior elements of the vehicle.However, the specific presentation method and operation are not described in the patent.

Images can be transmitted to the driver, and the system will be able to automatically detect when the vehicle is in an on- or off-road environment using some kind of in-vehicle equipment, according to the patent documents.When off-road, the image will be transformed from a photorealistic view to a "composite" view, allowing the shapes of various obstacles to be more clearly defined.

Toyota files patent for new off-road camera that generates images of vehicle surroundings

Image credit: USPTO

From the location of the cabin, rocks and other obstacles often appear to merge into each other, making it difficult to tell where the trail ends and the surrounding environment begins, the patent filings say.Rendering your surroundings virtually would make it easier to avoid obstacles such as boulders, such as a system that might show a path in one color and nearby obstacles in another.Of course, there is a good chance that the system could be used in mass production without the aforementioned projection surface.After all, scaling to get a sharper image on an infotainment screen can be complicated and potentially expensive.

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