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Time:2023-12-12 18:16:20Source:
观望很久的起亚K3 EV终于降价了,长春新鸿达起亚4S店12月03日-12月03日,店铺活动购车直降29.59%,真是迫不及待的想要到店一睹起亚K3 EV的风采啊
促销时间2021年12月03日 至 2021年12月03日起亚K3 EV最新报价车型厂商指导价/补贴价优惠幅度长春报价舒适版 410km17.68万元1.50万元16.18万元智享互联版 410km18.68万元1.50万元17.18万元Statement: the article only represents the views of the original author and does not represent the position of this website; If there is infringement or violation, you can directly feed back to this website, and we will modify or delete it.
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