

时间:2023-11-23 14:16:18来源:

A sign promoting social distancing of the campus of Massachusetts Institute of Technology on July 8, 2020 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. [Photo/Agencies]

>Students jolted by US rule


International students in US educational institutions will have to leave or will be prohibited from entering the country if their schools move to online-only teaching in response to the novel coronavirus pandemic.


US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced a new rule on Monday that students on F-1 (academic student) and M-1 (vocational or technical student) visas may not remain in the US if they take a full online-only course load for the fall semester.


The US Department of State will not issue visas to students enrolled in schools that operate under an online-only course model, and US Customs and Border Protection will not permit such students to enter the country, according to an ICE statement.


ICE said students affected by the new policy can transfer to a school with in-person instruction to retain their legal status; otherwise, they will be deemed to be in the US illegally and subject to deportation.


Brazil"s President Jair Bolsonaro wearing a protective mask looks on during the launching ceremony of the Plano Safra 2020/2021, an action plan for the agricultural sector, in Brasilia, Brazil, June 17, 2020. [Photo/Agencies]

>Brazilian president tests positive


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro announced on Tuesday that he has tested positive for the novel coronavirus.


Bolsonaro came down with symptoms on Monday, including a fever of 38 degrees Celsius, cough and headache, leading to a test at the Brazilian Armed Forces Hospital.


Bolsonaro canceled planned visits to the states of Bahia and Minas Gerais this week, according to the state news agency Agencia Brasil.


The president is considered to be in the high-risk group for COVID-19 due to his age, 65.


Bolsonaro campaigned for continued economic activity and often appeared in public without a face mask and disregarded social distancing.


Brazil has suffered the second largest COVID-19 outbreak in the world, just after the US.


The country"s death toll has surpassed 66,000 on Tuesday, with over 1.66 million confirmed cases.



>Italian glacier turns pink


A glacier in Italy is turning pink because of algae - a development that will make the ice melt faster, a scientist studying the phenomenon says. Pink snow has appeared at the Presena glacier in northern Italy, said researcher Biagio Di Mauro, of the Institute of Polar Sciences at Italy"s National Research Council. While "watermelon snow," as it is sometimes known, is fairly common in the Alps in spring and summer, it has been more marked this year. Mauro believes an algae named Chlamydomonas nivalis is responsible for the change in color. Algal blooms are bad news for the health of the glacier as darker snow absorbs more energy, meaning it melts faster.


Students take a boat to reach the venue for the national college entrance exam in flood-affected Shexian county, Anhui province, on Tuesday. [Photo/China Daily]

>Floods postpone gaokao exams



Shexian county of Anhui province canceled the exams of Chinese language and mathematics for the national college entrance examination, or gaokao, due to flooding caused by heavy rainfall.


Exams for the two subjects, which should be finished on Tuesday as a national schedule, are scheduled to take place on Thursday using an alternate set of exam papers, and exams on other subjects will be held as scheduled on Wednesday, local authorities said.


The government of Shexian county said that the downpour was the heaviest in 50 years.


The county has 2,207 students aiming to take this year"s gaokao, but only around 500 had arrived at the examination sites by 10 am, according to Wang Tianping, head of the county"s education bureau.


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