时间:2022-02-16 08:21:14来源:
The Western India Automobile Association (WIAA) today announced that Viveck Goenka, prominent car collector and Chairman and Managing Director of the Express Group, has been elected president of the organisation for 2018-19.Goenka
succeeds Edil J. Katrak.The association, which enters its 100th year of existence, also announced that Nitin Dossa, president of Vintage & Classic Car Club of India (VCCCI), has been re-elected
Executive Chairman.Other elected representatives include Viral Acharya, who was re-elected对于第一副总统和杰出的汽车收藏家Jagdish Thackersey的职位,他将成为第二次副总统,成功的Kirtikumar K. Dayal。
Speaking to Autocar India, Goenka said, "I am privileged to be elected the president of WIAA in its centenary year.汽车非常靠近我的心脏,并且伴随着Nitin Dosha,Viral Doshi和Jagdish Thackersay领先,我相信即将到来的一年将是所有汽车Aficionados的令人难忘的一年。“
Goenka拥有印度最大的汽车集合之一,它包括罕见的梅赛德斯 - 奔驰车型和每一代梅赛德斯S级和陆虎,除了一位经典大众和菲亚特。他对老学校的4WDS有巨大的热情,也有一系列大型美国汽车。有趣的是,在2017年第五版Cartier Cancours D'Elegance的第五版,他参加了一个惊人的七辆汽车,在卡地亚的展会上的任何收藏/恢复器的记录。
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